Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It's about time.

I'm back on after what seems like a month long hiatus...even though it was only a week.

I had to go to a conference for school all last week and then to my cousin's out of town wedding....and then...well...then our house got hit by lighting.

Technically, it was a tree next to our house, but it sent pine shrapnel 300 feet in all directions. A bunch of damage to our house and our internet got fried. (As well as our TV....which meant that, of course, we had to upgrade to a 40 inch flatscreen.)

That's a huge tear in our screen, and you can also see the tree that exploded.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!

As promised, here is a picture of my Jello dessert - it tasted ::insert Chris Farley voice:: AWESOME. Of course, the picture doesn't look anything like the one on Jello's site...oh, well.

Within a day of offering my new appetizer pick promo, I got a sale!

Since I didn't have to wake up to get ready for school today (woot! Last day for that, though) I had a leisurely morning creating...and I think I created my most favorite piece ever.

Faceted Moukaite and Fossil Gunmetal Necklace!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Etsy Promotion


Look around at your favorite retail stores - they're having awesome sales right now! I decided to jump on the bandwagon and have a great promotion of my own.

Buy two sets of appetizer picks, and I'll throw one in for free - Three for the price of two! Just let me know at checkout which set you'd like.

Also, don't forget that I love to customize - I'd love to help you create a great set of picks! :D

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've Got the Urge...

The urge to entertain!

With warmer weather and longer days, I always feel like having a party!

Due to my lack of guests today, I decided to create something for summer entertaining instead.

Check out this new appetizer pick set!

Speaking of entertaining, I've got my in-laws coming over tomorrow for Easter lunch...I plan on trying out this new recipe:

Strawberry Creme Bars with StrawberryMallows Flowers

You can find the recipe on http://www.jello.com - I'll let you know how it turns out!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Day for Beading Friday

Is that title sacreligious? ;)

Easter break is upon us, which means a day away from the kiddies at school. After a blissful morning of sleeping in (until almost 10!)I went downstairs into my beading "studio" (I use the term loosely) to get my creative juices flowing.

Cluttered as it is, I decided to clean up my work area. That lasted a whole 3 minutes until an idea popped into my mind...now I've got a couple hours of beading in, but no cleaning. Oh well.

Now, as the good Catholic girl that I am, I'm going to go assemble my cold tuna noodle and pea salad for lunch.

Here's a sneak peak at what will soon be posted on my etsy site (http://rozzytoz.etsy.com)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Chyroprase and Bridesmaid Dresses

Chyroprase is a stone that I've never really used before....but I couldn't pass up the beads at my favorite store (The Bead Garden) in Appleton.

I also stopped to pick up a bridesmaid dress for my BFF's wedding this summer...jury's still out. It's much "pinker" in person.